Browsing: WrestleMania

This past Monday’s news that Bret “Hitman” Hart is in the midst of a fight with prostate cancer came as a blow to his millions of fans. The news of Bret’s diagnosis comes weeks after his elder brother Smith received a similar diagnosis, and follows a spell where cancer has robbed us of the likes of David Bowie, Lemmy and Alan Rickman. We at BackBodyDrop of course wish Bret all the best in his battle.

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Well, that was typical, wasn’t it? On Sunday, I wrote an entry here wondering out loud “where does WWE go to for WrestleMania”, after Roman Reigns lost yet another title match. Fast forward 24 hours later, and Reigns ended Raw on top of the pile, as the new WWE champion. But the question hasn’t changed…

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As you may or may not know, in just under four months time, WWE will be holding it’s thirty-second WrestleMania event. Ever since WWE made the event a regular stadium show back in 2007, there has been increasing pressure on the company to not only fill the larger venues, but to put on a worthwhile show.

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