Absolute Andy finally makes a call on the tag team titles this week, as the empty-arena Shotgun continues.
Browsing: Marius al-Ani
Our look back at Shotguns of old continue, as Jurn Simmons defended his wXw Unified World Wrestling Championship against a visiting Paul London!
Hot on the heels of 2016’s World Tag Team League, we’ve got a whole lotta fall-out!
A hattrick of matches from Leipzig highlight our latest look at retro Shotgun, as World Tag Team league beckoned nearer…
Our jump back in time for Shotgun Plus takes us to the Markthalle in Hamburg, as Hot & Spicy clashed for the Shotgun title!
The Fallout from FAN is the centrepiece this week on our look back at retro Shotgun!
WALTER takes on Shigehiro Irie on the final “new” wXw show to hit VOD before the enforced shutdown.
16 Carat Gold week kicked off with a mystery show as the tradition continued at a packed wXw Wrestling Academy in Essen.