The former Hot & Spicy came face-to-face for a second and time in wXw as the Shotgun Live Tour headed towards it’s conclusion!
Browsing: Jurn Simmons
wXw brought out the ladder match as Chris Colen would have to get through Broken Rules to overcome Bad Bones and become champion!
2015’s World Tag Team Tournament wrapped up with a blistering final day as everyone hit hard en route to a new set of wXw tag team champions being crowned.
2015’s World Tag Team Tournament was a rather more traditional affair, as wXw brought together some established teams from around the world… and put together some super teams too.
Jurn Simmons vs. Jeff Jarrett – a match that’s gotten some stick, but does it deserve it? Let’s find out – it’s the second half of wXw’s Superstars of Wrestling 2016!
After an absence of over two months, Chris Colen’s back – and how will RISE react? Along with the latest round of the Women’s Championship Tournament and Jaxon Stone, it’s another loaded Shotgun!
Take a hundred fans who’ve arrived early for World Tag Team League, cram them into the wXw Wrestling Academy in Essen, and what do you have? Quite a fun show with a lot of good wrestling!
The 2017 World Tag Team League wrapped up in style… but did RISE leave the weekend as they came in, or would they be faced with a new dog in their war on wXw?