PROGRESS finally hit the north east after seven years, as Newcastle became their latest home.
Browsing: Jurn Simmons
wXw may be on their summer holiday, but there’s still time for a quick road trip on the way to Shortcut to the Top!
The odds were stacked against Bobby Gunns as his latest trip to Hamburg saw him face three contenders for his wXw title at once.
wXw’s annual Superstars of Wrestling show proved to be more than just a tag line as two of the company’s biggest stars changed it up. A LOT.
Making its wXw NOW debut is the Mitteldeutschland Cup, as this year’s tournament headed to Leipzig to see if Marius al-Ani could become the first ever back-to-back cup winner.
Ilja Dragunov returned to Dresden as he found himself in with a shot at the wXw Unified World Wrestling Championship.
wXw hit the road again, with a quick stop in Bielefield as True Colors appeared in the horizon.
WWN’s annual supershow was a pleasing mash-up of the promotions they’d brought to down, as DDT and wXw came to play.