Three titles on the line as wXw gets back to action – and decides a new top contender in the Shortcut to the Top match!
Browsing: Ivan Kiev
Bobby Gunns got his rematch while Alexander Wolfe returned to Dresden as wXw began the road to their 19th anniversary!
wXw returned to Bielefeld as the road from World Tag Team Festival became the road to Broken Rules!
We reached Championship Saturday of World Tag Team Festival – would the Turbinenhalle play host to the World Timothy Thatcher Festival, or would Tim come up short in his hunt for the gold?
The quest to crown a new set of wXw world tag team champions began as the World Tag Team Festival kicked off!
On their return from the summer break, wXw’s Shortcut to the Top saw the return of a few familiar faces – and promised a lot of changes!
wXw may be on their summer holiday, but there’s still time for a quick road trip on the way to Shortcut to the Top!
The odds were stacked against Bobby Gunns as his latest trip to Hamburg saw him face three contenders for his wXw title at once.