We take a look at a non-title outing from last month as KxS warmed up for their challenge of Young Bloods’ titles.
We’re coming from the Stadthalle in Limbach-Oberfrohna for the main event of this show… German commentary on this feed comes from Emil Völler, and this is a freebie, so no need to have a wXwNOW sub.
KxS (Axel Tischer & Fast Time Moodo) vs. Young Blood (OSKAR & Yuto Nakashima)
We’re in East Germany, so KxS are popular here – KxS even have a banner in the crowd – so Young Blood find themselves in enemy territory… even more so after OSKAR stomped on ring announcer Frank Fehrmann’s Limbach-Oberfrohna scarf, while Yuto used it to dry off his bits.
So we have a battle between Ost- and Nord-Deutschland (sorry Yuto, you’re getting lumped in with the North!), starting with Yuto doing his damndest to slow things down at the bell, leaning between the ropes rather than engage with Moodo. When he finally did engage, KxS were on the up and up, forcing Yuto to scurry away into the ropes for respite at every chance he got, leading us to Axel and OSKAR.
OSKAR’s shoulder tackle sees him charge down Axel, before a trip up from the veteran allowed him to hit one of his own, knocking the big man to the outside. Back inside, OSKAR bails to avoid a kick sandwich, as we eventually resumed back with Yuto and Moodo, as Yuto spat at Moodo before the pair exchanged kicks, before OSKAR pulled out Moodo and threw him into the ring post.
Axel Tischer’s protestations earned him a €20 fine as wXw’s disciplinary committee probably needed the money for the Christmas party…
More arguments from the Axeman covered up OSKAR and Yuto choking Moodo with their boots in the corner. A slam and a chinlock from OSKAR saw him try to assert dominance for Hamburg, and also had the crowd chanting “Ost, Ost, Ost-Deutschland!” in a bid to fire up Moodo.
Young Blood continued to antagonise Tischer on the apron, even more so after Moodo finally kicked away Yuto, only for OSKAR to pull the Axeman off the apron. HEAT. There’s even more of that when OSKAR distracted the referee to avoid him seeing Tischer finally making the tag… which yielded in another fine, this time of €100, before Young Blood finally got too cocky and lost Moodo as he made the hot tag to Tischer.
The Axeman clears house, leading to a death valley driver on Yuto for a near-fall, but OSKAR’s back to stop an attempt at the Dragon Murder, choking out Moodo as the Axeman instead had to fight off the champions by himself. This time, KxS manage to string offence together, leading to a stomp-assisted gutbuster, then a Made in Japan for a near-fall as OSKAR pulled out the referee, hoping to bait Tassilo Jung into calling for a DQ.
Instead, Tass just let KxS take their shots at the big man, only for them to get laid out with a double clothesline back inside as Young Blood looked to get the win… but the Blood Rush is escaped by Moodo, before he low bridged OSKAR to the outside. That left Yuto alone as a powerbomb from Tischer, and the Descent into Badness elbow drop from Moodo put away Nakashima.
Result: Fast Time Moodo & Axel Tischer pinned Yuto Nakashima & OSKAR in 18:00 (***½)
This was a strong main event in East Germany, absolutely made by the role reversals. OSKAR and Yuto have something of a future as prick heels, but on this night their role was to take the loss and send the crowd home happy as KxS’ weekend of wins continued (albeit ahead of an unsuccessful tilt at the titles in Hamburg later in the month.) Well worth your lunchtime watch!