We’re on the home straight. This Sunday, over 85,000 fans will pack the AT&T Stadium near Dallas, Texas (regardless of whatever attendance number WWE announces), as the thirty-second WrestleMania comes to pay-per-view.

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It’s an event that started in Madison Square Garden, spent over two decades largely confined to arenas, before blossoming into stadia across North America. Of course, we’re talking about WrestleMania – an event that has now seemingly developed a bidding process not unlike the FIFA World Cup or the Olympics (only without any allegations of corruption!)

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Following wrestling online, it’s a certainty that you’ll have witnessed arguments between groups of fans. Whether it’s on message boards, Twitter, Facebook, or even in the comments of YouTube videos, every day there’s debates between fans about wrestlers, storylines and promotions. That is not unusual – however, there are certain groups of fans who make the entire process a farce.

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It’s that time again, as we continue our search on the world wide web for the freely available gems of matches that can provide a quick distraction from what the WWE is currently churning out.  This time, we take a look at two women’s matches, some comic book wrestling, and something from the early days of a promotion that seems to be perpetually at death’s door.

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