Browsing: Reviews

Jake “The Snake” Roberts has had a storied career in wrestling. From his debut in Mid South Wrestling in the mid 70s, it’d be almost a decade later when “The Snake” started to become a household name, wrestling in the WWE, where he would become one of (if not) the greatest wrestlers never to win a single’s title in the company. However, he would also threaten to become just another of wrestling’s tragedies.

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It’s that time again, as we continue our search on the world wide web for the freely available gems of matches that can provide a quick distraction from what the WWE is currently churning out. This time, we focus more on the fairer sex, and drop in on the early days of a future WWE diva.

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Here on Back Body Drop, we’ve covered the offerings of the WWE Network and New Japan World (amongst others) for those who are looking online for non-pirated wrestling. Another option out there comes from Ring of Honor, who for the last few years have made their weekly television show available for free via their website.

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Sunday night saw WWE complete their final pay-per-view before WrestleMania, with a Fast Lane pay-per-view that was notable for… very little, actually. The bookies (or at least, 888sport) had the results right in all-but-one match – and for someone notoriously awful at pay-per-view predictions, I came out 100% with my winners!

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It’s time for another break away from the current-day WWE product, this time looking at some of the freely available gems that are online. Whilst the in-ring product isn’t bad (and with the quality on the current roster, how can it?), the creative tied to those matches can often be deflating. So, to provide some variety, I’ll be trawling the internet and reviewing random matches from around the world (as opposed to entire shows).

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This past weekend, New Japan wrapped up its New Beginning series of shows with events in Osaka and Niigata, ultimately crowning a new IWGP Intercontinental champion. The New Beginning series started at the end of January, with the company’s Road to New Beginning shows, stretching out over seven nights before they arrived in Osaka on Thursday.

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