Following a rather skippable series of shows, we’ve reached the New Japan Cup finals, where Bad Luck Fale and Katsuyori Shibata face-off for a title match of their choosing…
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After the prior week had given us the quarter-finals, New Japan were back on the road for a show that featured the semi-finals of this year’s New Japan Cup.
With the World Cup qualifiers on the horizon, WhatCulture headed back to London for another iPPV-like show, called Chain Reaction.
Unlike in past years, New Japan have spread out the quarter-finals of this year’s Cup across multiple non-televised shows. Fortunately, the Cup matches have since been uploaded to New Japan World… Here’s our take on them!
Filed under T for Tardy, here’s our look at a rather frenetic Electric Ballroom show from PROGRESS – inspired by some out-of-touch guy’s rantings.
We’re back for another two episodes of 2001’s Frontier Wrestling from myTV, as they continued to firm up their FWA title tournament.
Freedom’s Road became Freedom’s Bro’d as PROGRESS moved to the Tufnell Park Dome for the latest in their soap-style-graps.
We have one last match to look back on from this year’s 16 Carat Gold tournament – the alternate four-way that ended up not being needed.