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As you may or may not know, in just under four months time, WWE will be holding it’s thirty-second WrestleMania event. Ever since WWE made the event a regular stadium show back in 2007, there has been increasing pressure on the company to not only fill the larger venues, but to put on a worthwhile show.

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At the moment, WWE is getting a battering for its bland programming (at least, for shows not called NXT) – it’s not the first time that’s happened, nor will it be the last. However, as we approach the end of 2015, us wrestling fans have never had a better choice of alternatives. If that sounds a little stupid, let me explain.

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When it comes to WWE’s developmental brand, NXT has largely been getting more plaudits than not. Sure, there’s viewers who aren’t huge fans of the commentators (and I for one miss the days where NXT had a revolving cast of commentators), but on the whole NXT has been more good than bad. Unfortunately, since the summer, it appears that the bloom is starting to come off of the proverbial rose, and it’s all down to the fans.

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